RE:RE:RE:Hey, curious if anyone knowsSlick smellydd, slick... turn around the queston with two slams against the person asking the question, F'ing brilliant.
Don't answer the question, don't even hint at answering the question, leave the empty headed questioneer further in the dark making them feel inept for not knowing the ongoing business challengers that the c e o has been dealing out for five years! F'ng brillian.
I now feel unwoke and an obvious racist for asking why the c e o hasn't cleared the air on BlackBerry 2023 huge Q4 miss and his subsequently dealing with it with a Special Announcement.
jeaune chien has proven untrustworthy, lacking poor leadership amongst other items of poor representation of shareholders.
He has stated he was adding bodies yet year on year the company continues to shed Human Capital becuase his guidance has been down graded every since he spent $1.4B on Cylance, wrote it down 1/3B then dumped more than 1/2B to develop the offering.
The captain of the former good ship BB has fired numerous bodies responsible for sales, bodies he hired and fired, yet as the years go by he remains in boss of bosses role, collecting shares, some unearned in the form of a Reddit Rally while he not only fired his Sales Presidents with lovely parting packages but has almost halved the revenues since 2020!
Halved, meanwhile the CEO of Crowdstrike has grown revenues from $250M and $34 IPO to well over $2B and +$150 per share. In my world the CEO with positive results has earned the rewards and accolades... Gone When has got this thing so mixed up, so badly fargled, no investor in their right mind gets Long under jaune chien... and so the only thing going on with BB is a good old shake and bake, drop it to the floor and serve it up to anyone willing to try the mess.
Vote this POS out June 27th, make the BoD guest seat him as their Executive Chair on the BoD... BB under chon jenz is out of control because he has failed to produce and cannot tell a straight story.