Price/Revenue Multiple I posted something like this a while ago. Here's an update which compares just fiscal Q3s (using basic shares):
When Q3 f2021 results were announced, the price/revenue multiple was about $0.55 stock price / ($442k rev x 4 Qs / 163,342 sh) = 50.8
When Q3 f2022 results were announced, the price/revenue multiple was about $0.55 stock price / ($2,515k rev x 4 Qs / 186,284 sh) = 10.2
At the present time (after Q3 f2023 results were announced) the current price/revenue multiple is about $0.53 stock price / ($4,741 rev x 4 Qs / 194,630 sh) = 5.4
So, at some point, the price/revenue multiple should bottom out, then reverse course as revenue continues to increase, profit grows and collections happen. I'm not a price guy, so I'm not going to opine as to when the reversal will occur, but I'm quite confident it is a highly likely event.