Something to consider regarding M&A voteThe BoD is recommending that we shareholders vote yes to the Hecla deal. Funny thing is, the majority of the BoD members individually own fewer shares than I do. They most certainly are not as vested as I am and I would not call any of them "smart money".
My recommendation is to vote no, retain our optionality on the price of gold and be patient. If we were 30 cents USD a few years ago at $2k gold, how much more will we be worth at $2,500 gold?
We don't even have to do anything regarding the tote road, management has already telegraphed their desire to allow a suitor to undertake that chore. The tote road is now moot as far as ATAC is concerned.
Sorry, we are worth more than 14 cents CAD and I have a sneaking suspicion each and every single shareholder knows this. There are enough retail votes to shoot down this boondoggle, however, will enough shareholders even take the time to vote accordingly?
Lemmings always rule the day, but maybe enough wise shareholders can exert themselves via their votes this time? I would love to be shocked and pleasantly surprised that we set ourselves up for a superior bid at a future date.