I was afraid that you were going to ask me that question. :-)
The news is definitely positive. There would be no further testing if there were scant amounts of REEs. So the question is this: Is there enough REEs in the substrate to make exrtraction economically feasible? Here is the protocol:
1. Confirmation of previous results (It was not a fluke)
2. Identifiication of a specific REE. (There are 17 REEs. Some are more vaulable than others.)
3. Economic feasibility. (the chemistry is different for each location. It is a complex process.)
4. Environmental impact. (You simply can't leave a mess anymore. The world can't take it.)
5. Investment (Biden gave MP Materials 35M to develop separation chemistry) If it is a big find, governments will be right there or maybe private investors. The motivation is freedom from the Chinese. We are deopendent on them right now. We desperately want to become REE independent.
It has been a long long time since se have heard anything. This news does two things:
1. It shows the company is operating and vital.
2. It will be easier to attract more investment.
In my opinion, one thing is for sure:
“The next set of billionaires will not come from tech or oil, They will come from those individuals who are involved in the mining/manufacture of and/or investment in rare earth elements.” — Dr. Jed Davis, 4/11/12
I stand by this statement.