What's underneath the Lake ?
Just for the newbies, the team is evaluating the idea that at the bottom of the lake, where on the beach and on the floor of the body of water they are finding Diamond Indicator minerals as stated in the press release.
Some of the world's biggest Diamond finds have been found in similar situations.
On top of this they have other drill ready targets ready to be tested by the world class team of experts they have assembled. Some of this team was part of the team that discovered one of Canada's biggest finds.
The geologic location of the lake and these targets is in the general area where major discoveries have been controlled and financed by companies such as De Beers and BHP Billington.
Major investors like Pierre Lassonde have put their money into this once $2.00 a share stock.
It's pretty simple. When they announce their drill program plan, or if the testing they mentioned yields something exciting the stock will triple or more.
And if they discover something at the bottom of the lake, or any of the other prospective areas, then the stock will move back to over $1.00 and then hopefully beyond.
At the end of the day they have a great team and are looking for something huge in a very prospective area for Diamond discoveries. These things take time and they'v been at it for over 15 years.
They're due for a big win. They and we deserve it for all the work they've put into it.
This story could have a very happy ending.