found it!TSX:WEED Forum Post | geodcan-35485482 | Canopy is probably the most glaring | Canopy Growth Corporation (
I don't know why my posts dissappear! Overzealous watchdog or somebody doesn't like the truth, the way I see it.
I am the first to admit I prefer I liked the old SH format a lot better.
If you feel the same way I do about the unfairness of shortselling, send an e-mail to Securities and/or your political representative.
Marketmakers used to provide the service of dealing with odd lot shares and such but have turned shortselling price fixing into a very lucrative money stream.
I daresay there is more money being pocketed by brokers and bankers from this market fixing than they can generate from from commissions.
Plus it destroys companies with good potential from their relentless tactics, algo bots and teamwork to disseminate stories of devastation that result in eroding shareprice value.
I am praying for a Redditt/Gamestop event that squeezes the life out of this unfair tactic.