Anyone thinking thatManagement will sell a pp at these prices has not paid attention to how smart and resourceful thay are. I think genm is up to 70-75% of money needed. If they start building without a pp they can get more money from their lenders as they progress and let's not forget our 20% partner who might step in with a loan. 2.5 year Payback is not worth diluting the crp out of Generation. Yes it will be a risk ( that I don't think is high) but the alternative of selling 1/2 a billion shares at .4 will completely and surely destroy the merits of this project. So I say you as an investor ( whoever you are) either sell take ur losses and go to a company that you believe gives u more value or stop whining, br patient and watch this unfold. It won't be long before we see which way this goes. In my opinion it will be favorable.