Lingcod why do you misrepresent the truth?Lingcod, if you were honest you would know TAAT Global Alternatives Inc does not have $8.5 mill in liabilities in reality.
Everybody knows that TAAT Global Alternatives Inc has a subsidiary called TAAT International LLC that is presently going through Chapter 11V.
This subsidiary (TAAT International LLC) holds about 99.5% of ALL liabilities. Those liabilities will go bye bye as they are encompasses within the filing by TAAT International LLC.
Therefore the current liabilities that you reference of $8.5 million under the parent company TAAT Global Alternatives Inc go bye bye.
I have told you this at least 30 times, yet you continue to be disingenuous and post nonsense about $8.5 million liabilities, even you know that's not being honest.
I know you will reply but but Sedar says ...
It does not matter what Sedar says at the moment because those liabilities are slated to come off via TAAT International LLC Chapter 11V process.
TAAT Global Alternatives Inc will have next to $0.0 liabilities when it's subsidiary TAAT International LLC is finished it's process.
Just the act of TAAT International LLC starting their Chapter 11V process back in Feb 2023 automatically suspends and liabilities attached to TAAT International LLC.
Therefore as of Feb.2023 the parent company TAAT Global Alternatives Inc was not liable for TAAT International LLC liabilities. It may show on the balance sheet but it's not payable by default. Lingcod knows this or should know this.
Let's see if he replies honestly.