RE:Rio tinto EV productionALL WILL USE ALUMINUM!
"LG Chem, the parent company of South Korean battery maker LG Energy Solution, is aiming to launch a single crystal cathode within the year.
LG Chem cathode development team leader Jeong Myung-gi said this cathode will be based on a mixture of nickel, cobalt, manganese, and aluminum."
"Battery manufacturer Samsung SDI has contracted Posco Chemical to supply NCA cathode material over a ten-year period.
For its part, it is not clear from the Posco announcement whether Samsung SDI's order to Posco covers cathode procurement for a large single customer or several of its battery customers. Samsung SDI is one of the important suppliers to BMW.
Currently, only a few carmakers have so far used NCA cathodes, which are made from lithium, nickel, cobalt and aluminium. NCM and NCMA cathodes made from lithium, nickel, cobalt and manganese (plus aluminum in the case of NCMA) are more widely used in the industry. For example, the Panasonic cylindrical cells for Tesla from the Giga Nevada use the NCA cell chemistry."
"Road to a Greener Future: Rio Tinto Partners with BMW Group on Premium Aluminum Car Parts"
"In April 2021, BASF and Umicore had entered into a non-exclusive patent cross-license agreement covering a broad range of cathode active materials (CAM) and their precursors (PCAM), including chemistries such as nickel cobalt manganese (NCM), nickel cobalt aluminum (NCA), nickel cobalt manganese aluminum (NCMA) and lithium rich, high manganese high energy NCM (HE NCM).The agreement covers more than 100 patent families filed in Europe, US, China, Korea and Japan.
As a market leader for NCA, BASF is prepared to embrace the trend toward high nickel CAM and meet the needs of the fast-growing global e-mobility market."
"Potentials of 46 mm cylindrical cells: On the way to the new standard format Tesla is giving the go-ahead for a new cylindrical cell format, setting a trend that is also being picked up by other cell manufacturers and vehicle manufacturers."
Exciting! Stay informed!