Fact is folksWe have 3 posters who spend all day pumping this stock
2 even told others to buy this week which is illegal, while one
of them comes on this board trying to tell you legal facts, lol.
So they never back up what they say, as with the latest legal doc
they refuse to post and give you all sorts of reasons which are not true
so he wont have to post it.
To show you the validity of that, he sais in his statment he knows the judges verdict
a month from now and tells you the settlement. How is that possible when the judge does
not rule till July 5th
Dont be confused folks, 2 of them told you to buy stock this week, very very illegal to do without
being a counsellor and giving a risk prospectus.
But that is not why they are here. Their job is to get you to buy, they bought much much higher, lost
it all, and want you to buy so they suffer less.
I told you my position, I never owned. I am here to correct the daily fibs spoken,
These 3 got banned from ceo.ca for brigadeering, forever.
They do not have your interests or the truth at stake. They only have self interests
and wont provide their interests in taat. I did, and asked them 3x already. They refuse.
So, when you have them tell you stories, demand they back it up with facts. They wont of course, but
they try this every day, looking for the angles.
I am not detered, every day I catch them fibbing. Just like with this lastest document thing poster refuses to post, gives you fibs about why he cant, but again, the bottom line is always the same.
Never to provide you with facts to back up their claims.
Taat went from $5.85 to 18 cents for a reason folks. Dont fall for the sunshine and everything is great scam. Look for the facts, so many red flags here with taat its undeniable.