Why would they want to mine it themselves? You all forget ES made his massive gain not on the original sale, but on the subsequent growth in the value of the buyer's shares as they generated huge cash flow from the Swan Zone alllowing them to grow their company way faster than it could ever happen through normal growth options. In addition, you all refuse to recognize that every mining project carries huge risk in an industry described many times by PL as a horrible business model! I will say it again for the benefit of thsoe who refuse to understand Palisades! They are a merchant bank focused exclusively on the resource secctor. The only way they can creat value is through monetization of their holdings in resource companies. CK has repeated this mantra countless times and yet you all seem to think he is just shooting of his mouth or something.This thing will be sold with maybe ES joining a major to eventually mine it! They will want either an all share deal or a combination of cash plus shares. All risk is then removed for both retail and Palisades. You will still have the opportunity to get that $50 per share by holding the major shares for the years needed to develop this project. But it will take several years to get through all the hoops needed to bring it to fruition! A bird in hand is always worth two in the bush!