Bark and Whine, Just Noise!!The weak and tiny minded were expecting something different? The filling was pretty well what was expected with the current state of affairs in the US and beyond...the wild card being the government backed cartel production/ competition and wide open borders on top of the total lack of support from the tempoary current leadrship group for the current legal industry statesside.
Biden and team are 'dead on the vine' already but still walking in the short term, as they and the cartels are held to account and cleaned up and out and allow the legal industry to set up and will be allowed to evolve as fast as the legal system allows, of which will take no time to catch on and supply the most part of the overall demand from mostly all legal producers, whom than can set their operations up within the guidelines and compete for market share like most of the rest of the business/ consumer world. Canopy will take and hold market share, that they can supply in a free and fair market place, which will include an ever decreasing BM going forward. Legal bud will be the main 'weapon' in the clean up of the scurge of fentanyl, the cornerstone of the coup and cartels.
Slow granted, but will pick up very quickly with cartels et al muzzled or eradicated and a government for the folks by the folks...the world will start to unfold as it should,or much much closer to it at a minimum. Everyone needs to do their DD and buy, sell or hold accrodingly. JMHO...Opt