ALBERTA - NAT GAS / HYDROGEN HUB ( world class )Alberta Canada is the mecca province for,
Oil, Nat Gas, CNG, LNG, and soon ---> Hydrogen.
What some may not know ?
Canada’s natural gas markets are heavily integrated with those of the United States and Canada exports its surplus natural gas to the U.S., while importing smaller amounts from the U.S. into Central Canada. The National Energy Board regulates the export and import of natural gas. Orders or licenses are required to export or import natural gas to and from Canada. Holders of these authorizations report monthly on their activities to the Board. Import and export activities are available by Port from 1985 to present. Data is delayed by approximately 2 months.
Dependendent on which report you read,
it is estimated 99% of, US Nat Gas imports are from Canada.
Approx 7 trillion cubic feet. ( multiply by 35 = cubic meters )
At the height of Covid,
USA became the largest supplier of Nat Gas for, Europe.
Was any of Canada's exported nat ( gas ) sold to Europe by, US ?
Trudeau, not long ago mentioned farmers must reduce their
nitrogen fertilizer use.
During this same time frame, Trudeau was overseas trying to
ink Nat Gas / LNG contracts.
And, Quebec held back Germany's turbine for Nat Gas incoming
from, Russia....
As mentioned in prior posts, Nitrogen bonds with hydrogen.
Could it be ?
Canada wanted to conserve nitrogen to use to ship hydrogen
since nitrogen can bond upto 3 hydrogen molecules - tease.
Magnesium, ( paste )
can hold upto 70% hydrogen.
So... why is it our Driftwood sits idle ?
Vehicle markets have been drastically affected by lack of,
computer chips that are made by, silicon.
While we are on halt, our darling junior has sold our
prized silica claims... silica worth mega bucks.
Another has our world class Alberta brines.
Another wants to use co2 injection which can
split water and create gas energy.
Brine holder has stakeholders with pension funds.
Another wants the mg + ca in brines which that same
company ZS2 has a billionaire stakeholder onboard.
How hard is it boys...
To bolt on another tenticle that has dibs on brine nat gas + hydrogen ?
MGX shareholder tenticles.
just add co2 blended to hydrogen = nat gas
Ya know...
i've always wanted to own a $30 - $50 energy stock.
Wait... i do, but another now has it ( ! ! ! )
Utterly discusting what's happened.
2020 forward.