GREEN ENERGYHow does one tell oil companies and ( nat gas )
You need to reduce your carbon ?
What other energy would they run to if the energy
is green ? Why it would be Hydrogen.
Which is the most obvious reason why AER was given
control over salt brines and major energy companies
brought back in.
Are oil companies seeking green hydrogen ?
Indeed they are. Simple research will prove this.
Remember when i touched topic on Alberta's Vulcan town
Solar farm ? Perhaps AB's Premiere should see this photo
and consider AB's future solar energy path which if i recall
was performed by former Premiere Kenny along with the
AER, brine transfer.
14,000 panel, 5.2 MW community solar array in Nebraska destroyed by hail storm last night.
This doesn't happen to baseload power plants.
Places hydrogen energy in a class of, untouchable.
Hydrogen - gas heat
Hydrogen - turbine electricity
Hydrogen - fuel