RE:New Press Release - FSD Pharma Inc. Announces Results of Annual General and Special Meeting of ShareholdersWhat is this renaming scheme about? What is the costs tied to renaming a company with 3 stock exchanges and multiple drugs in trials. Should we assume they are going to dump the trials? Are they giving up the pharmacy brand to switch to drink brand. They went from weed gimmick to pharmacy gimmick to drink gimmick. How many new fools will fall for this once they rebrand themselves. Hopefully people google the history and not just the hype of the new name. It's funny, if you look up ADs other scam WCE he also renamed that. It's a trend. Change gimmicks and hope for investors and when that fails change names and start again. When is the RS coming? I'm pretty sure one product is done it's current phase in July. What's the story on results. Was it all a waste to stall while management scoop as many bonuses as possible. This shareholders meeting seems to be about nothing but a stall tactic.