RE:A theory re YGR true or not ? Interesting comment. They are definitely good at stretching nickels but the dollars are not adding up enough.
Last year I asked about some of the results compnies were having in 5 or 6 plays not far from their main acreage ( most having cheaper well and land costs) and I always got a glib answer about being a cardium play only. I asked about some land for sale around them and got the we don't do takeovers just to get bigger line.
maybe they were on a short leash due to the balance sheet but I really think they could do a lot better. Or like anything on the acquisition side. Lots of interesting new plays not far from Red Deer right now. Must have heard 5 comments about land that they found too pricey.
If nothing else pick up some low decline production with higher ARO because their internal services does the reclamation jobs cheaply. Mgt needs a kick in the pants and a few have to head out the door.
Spew less politics, make more money.