Happy you are mistaken. Happy, you are mistaken. I mentioned this company to this board because I felt that this group of investors here would be the most inclined to understand it.
As a Ucore investor you understand that processing is priority #1 and all other priorities are 2nd. As a Ucore investor you understand that speed, economy, safety, and environmentaly clean technology is the only way to go. And as a Ucore investor you are willing to take a risk with a company and technology that is new--a startup, if you will.
If you want to go from being MrHappyPants to MrVERYHappyPants, then by all means make the investment in One World Lithium. If not, well then, as the kids like to say, "you do you". But when opportunity comes knocking, I would answer.
P.S. Happy, I resent that remark you made. I will have you know that my father, god rest his soul, was an encyclopedia salesman--the best there ever was. I expect you to apologize to me for that snide comment, right now!
P.S.S. VeritasBob, you are sadly wrong as well in your reaponse to my post. Jack Lifton is right: MP cannot process their concentrate to the necessary, critical, high levels needed and must instead send their concentrates to China. As Jack likes to say, "wisdom comes with age". And that is universaly true. With the possible exception of Joe Biden.