No manipulation at allNo manipulation, the reason: all buyers wants to buy less then the price ask: result: the price go down.... the 1st to smile because he Bought 100 shares .30$ below the price, still smile after buying 100 sheers 50 cents below, and at end of the day , he stop smilling because the share price was bring, with others buyers, 3$ BELOW the price he 1st buy. As long people will be ''asking below the last price share price'' , the shorts will sell to them. They gonna bring the price to mid 55' (maybe 53 or less), THEN they gonna start to re-buying, The buyers bring the share price lower, thinking they buy at cheap price, they are 100 shares buyers vs multi billions $$$ shorts. As long, people will be willing (pushing, agree....) to BUY below the share price, the price will go down, until we reach the borttom at 53/ or less, THEN THEY will start to BUY and they gonna enjoy all the NEW buyers (not them), until we hit 57 / 60, they gonna start to buy.....