RE:RE:For those that are actually....Z173......I hope that comment was intentded for OldlittleNagger (because he is truly LOST!) & to a lesser extent, MigraineC. Because that way in which you posted it & replied, it implies the magnificient Momo as well. Meaning ALL 3 of us. So if those were truly your intententions, let me just calirfy that asap.......
First, you are totally justfified in directing that comment towards someone such as Nagger, as he is truly lost. on every count, and doesn't know his but from his brain by professing things like "the end is nigh for the Permian" or EV & the Green movement are a complete falacy & fossil fuels will be around foverver or preaching pure lunacy like there will be a united front of BC, Alberta, Sask, Manitoba against a LIBERAL GOVT' lol.......i could cotinue on & on........all day for years with guys like him. As for MigraineC, i don't think he's lost per say, but more being misguided by some massive biases & a little ignorance which have led him to be in denial with some aspects of the energy sector. ME on the other hand.......
I'm a totally different animal than those two......and that comment was totally unjustified and misplaced in regards to Mrmomo. And i'll show you why. First, the "Pathways Alliance" is OLD news, this is something which just came's been around for some time now. Secondly, the Pathways Alliance is just a "concept & idea", a work in progress where nothing really substantial has come out just yet from the consortium. So to my knowledge NOTHING of note or real infrastructure has been built for carbon capture & decarbonization by Pathways. In comparison, Denbury has ALL the needed infrastrucure ALREADY built AND in operation for some time now. And the reason WHY Xom took them out via a buyout....along with a VERY generous premium. So lost? NO....a resounding NO...& definitely not big guy and i strongly suggest you revisit your due diligence in regards to this subject matter. I mean seriously Z173 just look at those time lines they've set.........way way out there.....
Like i said, and people don't have to take MY word for it and they can just do their own DD, there's only two ep's that i know of that are currently operating on a carbon capture & decarb model and that's the two i mentioned. Advantage & HammerHead. In which the latter, has almost half their production operating on that basis. And i know because i OWN the stock. As for Advantage, i'm not to sure as i haven't owned the stock for a long time and therefore don't follow it too closely, but i assume their numbers & situation are about the same. So i'll say it again.........when it comes to this space.....and almost all developments......i'm far from lost my
I hope this has clarfied some confusion & misconceptions......all around.