RE:Form 11, without the Big Tobacco Twist & Shout!!Frogzilla, If someone got 6 mill shares for nothing than he/she can sell it for 600.000.
But the investors loose another 6% because the free float increase.
Last year TAAT spend also 6 million shares to "consultants". What are they doing????????????????
What does Setti Coscarella for so many million?? And than the criminals spread rumors about difficulty in his family. I hope one after one will prey God Face to Face!
Frogzilla wrote: What the previous poster was hiding and concealing about the stock options granted was the expiration dates! Notice the CEO, directors, consultants, and employee's, all who are intimately more involved, and have seen behind the CURTAIN, have no issues with stock options that expire in June 2027!
What I can't figure out is what the Tobacco supporters are worried about, they tell this board 50 times a day TAAT stock has no value, no patents, no future blah blah blah! If this was true, why do they care about how many stock options have been granted, because TAAT has no value according to every post they make!!
On the other hand, weeee have a large volume of insiders, professionals, consultants, and employee's who are far more familiar with the inner working of TAAT, and they feel more then comfortable holding options extending out into 2027!
Now the response will be TAAT had to issue stock options, because they have no money, but that's just not how it works! Many of these options are basically performance driven, the better the job they do for TAAT, the more their options are worth, because the stock increased in price due to the extra efforts$$$
Yes, people who work get paid, some get paid more than others, but that's only if you participate in life!! The ON LOOKERS, seem to feel entitled, but that's another subject!