RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:New all time Low - 4 Cents - Next is 3 cents Thanks for educating me DD.... on certain things I did not fully realize before
1) lots of fearful NXO shareholders out there who would never tell a soul they are losing money because they do not want to be ridiculed or diminished
I am impressed by your ability to sense these folks out there reading SH but not posting due to their fears. Myself I am in no way shape or form that emotionally evolved
2) there is an NXO proptector (sic) among the group who is an NXO loyalist who ridicules others
I am impressed by your ability to find dots to connect ....let me see if I have this straight......there is an NXO loyalist who ridicules others.....someone so in NXO's camp that no other investment exists for them.......someone who would never sell a share due to FMO.....someone who slags everything about NXO to signal "don't buy this" yet still manages to not selll a share of something they despise.....I don't know...I am lost here.
3) Hoping for miracles is an investmenten thesis
I asked the other day why you did not sell awhile back and continue(d) to watch your money I are a "True shareholder" who deserves to make money....well good luck with that approach.
Damn1212 wrote: Yes Topper
and how many countless others who did the same because we believed in Paul ..
Many people are way underwater here but are too ashamed to post out of fear of being attacked by the NXO proptector who wants to protect NXO at all cost. The ones who tell us NXO is a good company but who at the same time shame us for believing and Holding.
Lets Hope For a miracle that sends the Shareprice shooting up ...
We True shareholders deserve it ... the ones who believed and Held.