RE:RE:RE:BEWARE!!!!TheLandedEagles wrote: Really....MAXMOE....where is your buddy and cohort.. LINCOD....he as well was pumping this stock TCF big time for months...,along with you are well aware, and we no longer, for months not heard a peep from him.... and yet you continue with the pumping... and he stoped....and you continue for what ever reasons...we no longer hear from him ,,,"WHY" is that.....Was his true identity discovered ?....While he was pumping TCF...along side of you, records shows this in prior posts by the way....and at the same time,he was VERY MUCH ACTIVELY ....BASHING (TAAT) as of today.....Im sure you know that, right....have you no concience, on right and wrong in your behavior....and how it affects small retail investors...Shame on you!!!....Thats all I can say for now.....
Ridiculous accusation from the most morally bankrupt poster I've seen in quite some time. The trumpian effort to distract and deflect from your own antics, that you foolishly also revealed yourself, is just comical. Stop embarrassing yourself. I don't know who you are talking about and I have no idea what's going on at Taat. I'm just a grumpy old man with no "cohorts" or "buddies" on this or any other board. Taat ith juth toopid sthtuff you're making up to cover your own purely evil agenda. Sounds like daffyduck birdbrained thinking to me. Eagle my eye.