RE:RE:Me think thatHillarious response! It's easy to turn on the champions when things aren't working out, but it's shameful and irresponsible. The company certainly isn't helping us out, but I don't blame SPCEO1 for communicating his ideas and thoughts around why this was/is a good investment. The story isn't over yet either, so he may still have his day to look like a genius. Certainly not fun right now.
Here's something you can blame on the company. The way the announcement of the board member resignation was completed. I just can't seem to figure out why they would assume that would be received well by the broader market, especially the day after a reverse split was communicated. I doubt most people know it was requested by certain investors to shrink the board and they waited long enough that the results of the annual meeting may be lost in translation. Reverse splits are bad news. Leadership resignations can be bad news. To announce it the very next day with no explanation as to why made it look like he was at odds with the decision and in disagreement with the path forward. And then to suggest that they would be looking at growing the board again left it open for interpretation.