RE:Who is selling …. Sylvain tu m'as fait rire avec ta bouchee de pain
1$ ouin,,, M Doucet parlait meme de plus, lors d une presentation , a Amos je crois,, mais depuis en fait de la plongee et en racle le fond .
un veritable mystere, comment est ce possible etre aussi bas,,, le projet est nettement plus avancee , les perspective d.augmenter la ressource sont tres bonnes,,, en plus une entente nou amene d un coup a pres de 3 millliions d on,,, et ca s est sans compter sur Aquilon... Lithium etc..
c est incomprehensible..... faut se loader,,,,, cesser ,,, c est a ce prix si on croit a leur projet faut se loader,,, 100 a 500 % est plus que plausible et plus,....
mais on se dit ca depuis des annees :--(
Sylvain you made me laugh with your mouthful of bread
1$ yes,,, Mr. Doucet even talked about more, during a presentation, to Amos I believe, but since then he has been diving and scraping the bottom.
a real mystery, how is it possible to be so low,,, the project is much more advanced, the prospects for increasing the resource are very good,,, in addition, an agreement brings us suddenly to nearly 3 million d on,,, and that is without counting on Aquilon... Lithium etc..
it's incomprehensible..... you have to load,,,,, stop,,, it's at this price if you believe in their project, you have to load,,, 100 to 500% is more than plausible and more,....
but we've been saying that for years :--(