What a story As Hangingstone was just going into the commissioning phase, back in 2014. I remember the conversation I had with one of the commissioning engineers on site. As oil prices plummeted. And ATH stock was fallen. He said there is no way the company can make it. He expected to be working for someone else in the near future. I kept on eye on the stock as it dropped over the years. Junk, going to overtaken were the words used to describe the stock. Went to 10 cents and the calls for bankruptcy grew even larger. As the company share started to turn around the so called value investors were still calling the stock over valued. Look where we are at today on the bullboard. Arguments over how all the profit is being used. NCIB program is not being executed properly. . Debates over dividends or share buybacks. 135.million of cash isn't enough. A slight increase in share count. Calls for a 6 buck buyout. CONGRATULATIONS to the management of the Athabasca Oil Company. CONGRATULATIONS to the long shareholders of the Athabasca Oil Company. The soldiers of Canadian energy investing!