RE:Article: ‘Good Progress’ On Marijuana Banking Bill,The best hope for this latest attempt at marijuana legalization in the US is that all of the politicians concerned, either vote yes because they are tired of re-haching it or that all of the ones that want to nit pic and beat the issued to death, stay home on vote day.
A new angle based on Alcohol legtislation, that is similar because of the adult use designation got no-no'ed and that list of people that they want to bring to the discussion just about guarantees failure.
There are plenty of marijuana bills that have been presented where they made their points and rejected some.
I would like to see them vote point by point on the best items in those bills keeping in mind that voters are in favour of marijuana legalization for adults and pharma use and have a couple of invested pot lobbyists involved to let these Bickerson types know what is essential for potpreneurs.
I think they need to concentrate on safe supply, un-adulterated, legally grown, inspected and traceable with fair access to banking, brokering and all of the other tools that every other American business has access to. Legal distribution that can't be abused and purchasers should be able to use their bank or credit card for purchases, just like all of the other purchases in the US.
All of the attempts have proven that there is no concensus on legalization and they have mulled over all the points, good and bad proposed by politicians who can't decide while allowing the black market to thrive amidst the indecision.
There are a lot of good corporate citizens waiting on the sidelines to be forces in the cannabinoid business so legalization is essential to drive the black markets out or to legal!
There are huge health benefits for overindulgers of alcohol to switch to cannabinoids.
And right now the whole industry is divided by State and everybody is confused including politicians. Whatever legalization bill they come up with it needs to be at the Federal level with one set of rules for all of the States to follow and InterState commerce like all other manufacturers have.
Soft alcohol is going to lose marketshare to cannabinoid infused beverages and some of the pill pushers are going to lose ground to pharma pot. CBD smoking might take a piece of Big Tobacco, who are doing their own investments to cover themselves, although I think smoking is going to lose a lot of ground to edibles and drinkables which are nicer consumption forms and less intrusive on the nimby crowd.
The politiicians up til now have just made job security for themselves by queering the legalization deal no matter how it is presented. I read that SAFE had been proposed 117 different ways somehow or other so their is no consensus and long over due to write the legislation that the industry needs and the voters want.
glta and dyodd