GoldnHill, drill results?Do you still expect to see them soon?
The last round of drilling they didn't announce any results until they were finished the drilling program.
At the time, I read on this board that is the norm for the company. They don't release partial results.
Now I think that if the results from drilling westward were positive, that would be material and should be reported. And if they were not very good, that is material as well.
It surprised me when they switched their focus back in June. At that time they should have had some good cores to at least look at. That was the best way to hopefully increase reserves. Then they went wildcat. I don't think the results were great or they would not have changed their focus. And I don't think that they will be reporting them unless they are great. They will keep drilling until they hopefully get some good results.
Are there still two drills? It was material enough for a news release when they started that. Would it be relevent to tell shareholders if that was no longer the case?
Where did you hear a couple of weeks ago that results were coming soon?