At Some Point…..It's simply not efficient or rarely done to have a project with obvious geographical extensions run by two companies .
We have Stakewell on one side and Burnakura and Gabanintha on the other side.
In between , we have Turnakura split between ODY and MMY.
Its quite obvious that these contiguous gold and highly complementary projects will have to be unified not only for development purposes but in the interests of administrative efficiency.
Soon perhaps , we shall see the ODY/MMY SPV ( Special Purpose Vehicle ) being activated .
This SPV will unify the development of Turnakura including rights of first refusal to the Burnakura mill.
I don't know the details of this SPV but imo it's the initial step in unifying these four concessions under a single Murchison banner.
Therein lies a great opportunity for Dato 's operational return to Australia
Have a great weekend