RE:Iz lmao everyday is the start of a long weekend for me! IMO What really PMO is all the disinformation from IZ since 2015 when IZ was acting like THEY were doing all the testing developing certifying of all APL now Progressive Planet products that were brought to market even if it wasn’t from Bromley Creek Zeolite. The first Royalty check in 2015/16 for $9.00/t removed that went toward the 50% OWNERSHIP of Bromley Creek was 99.9% never mentioned always a contracted miner and processor! In fact along with the 6 to 20% commission that’s all the monies you were getting from APL until Progressive Planet revised it to quarterly payments to 2027! ALL the Zeolite that you use or sell has to be BOUGHT! Even Mark spuzs the disinformation when he states “”Once WE mine the product then WE mesh it so it cost about $250/t” Also “the proprietary product WE’VE developed that the nutrients are inbeded into it which we call Nerea” Funny your NR states that you LICENSED Nerea from Cuba!