Wednesday Close at NEW Low Share PriceWell over $100-Million shaved from FL's market cap over the past 8 to 10 days after already losing a couple hundred million of market cap over the past year, meanwhile Feedmeinfo repeatedly "advised" investors not to panic, to hold onto their FL shares, their money is safe invested in FL.
In reality, the money was safer in a bank account & not in the hands of Frontier leadership.
Watching the CIBC activity on the sell side, likely Feedmeinfo unloading shares day after day while advising investors to hold tight and buying his shares as millions & millions of dollars of value continuously lost from day to day.
Now that's talking from one side of your mouth then carry out the opposite plan of action.
At least I call a spade a spade and early cautioning FL investors when Frontier came off the rails with mis-steps, inaction to seize the right opportunity at the right time and cautioning of FL's precipitous valuation decline which likely continues for at least another week (early August tax loss selling by FL investors who bought from $4 and downwards and now realize, given management inactivity of progressive project construction, long overdue of Lithium compound production, thus, only a remote chance of those previous high valuations returning, given current leadership).
Clearly, a re-structuring of FL is imminent to end the share price hemorrhaging.
Margin, time will tell if the recently hired CFO can step up to the plate to foster the necessary agreements and hands-on drivers to accelerate FL's Lithium complex developments back on the track to create a worthy and exciting new mine investment grade reality.