Some thoughts ...Sprott was trumpeting 100M lbs before the ink was dry on the discovery hole news release. Ray has been enthusiatic. I haven't heard much from Sam, but he seems analytical, and philosophical. Threw the bomb on line 650S. Some folks didn't like it, but like me, they're sitting at a desk pecking at a keyboard. Dev has tempered his appearances with cautions to investors to "be patient", "we will miss on many holes", "it might take 150 holes to outline the deposit". Results from the winter program were reported after holes 8, 12 and 21. Results from the summer program have been reported after holes 8, 12, and, with 2 drill pairs going, I guess after hole 30. My math, based on past reporting, assuming consistent progress, and foregoing any additional holes, suggests August 21 as a possible reporting date. Is no news, bad news? I think its natural to think so. I don't. Time will tell.