RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:PMN is a scam.M101 wrote: I didn't say it was a sealed bid, I said consider the bid options for an auction, and I only chose that analogy to clarify how secrecy is a matter of choice not regulation. But it is not an auction and there will certainly not be a sealed bid.
It will rather, IMO based on PMN's history, be confidential at our expense.
Because that way management can always say it was the best deal available no matter how bad it is, no matter how big the discount, no matter how long it takes, and no matter how many low price options they eventually personally gain from it.
Also, secrecy is just less work. They give it away for nothing so it becomes expected and then demanded, so then they can tell shareholders that it is the industry norm and that to do otherwise somehow risks making unsupportable claims in the market which could constitute fraud. And then by not using the best offer to date as a starting point to attract other bidders, they just don't have to do much promotion. It's no different than the comparison shopping and diligence everyone should do when making a major purchase, get at least 3 quotes.
And bidders love secrecy so lots of wine and dine time.
Maybe it's just me, but I am having a hard time understanding what "BIDS" you are talking about. Bids on what??? G1945V