Proceed with caution I was reading the ceo board for pea about the kuppy maxim. Very funny, and true. Just the link provided, there are a couple overly colourful adjectives.
BUT, i reminded myself not to be reckless. The situation here is indeed reminiscent of buying ATH or BTE 3 years ago. The resultant 20-30 baggers were very fortunate for me but no indication that I'm a guru. Nor anyone else that did the same thing. No, it wasn't just "luck" like a chimp throwing darts.
I remind myself that nat gas is referred to as "the widow maker" for good reason historically. The big difference is the triple in WTI made us all look like geniuses. And any ceo that was unhedged in 2020 was fired and/or chased down the streets by angry villagers with pitch forks and torches. Then, just one year later as wti was roaring through $100 and the wonks on TV talked of $200 oil soon, any ceo that had any hedge at all was being chased by the same angry mob. I took a few things from that experience, one of which I want to share. I remind myself the ONE BIG DIFFERENCE is there is no opec for HHUB. It can be just as volatile, or a lot more volatile, than oil,up and down. BUT, the price in alberta or Texas can be vastly different from Japan or Europe. Wti or Brent or wcs are never apart by a factor of 5X or more. So with gassy names, I use a stop loss for safety. And before I double up my shares, I double up on depends. Good Luck to all. Grow a pair but wear a cup.