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Uranium Energy Corp UEC

Uranium Energy Corp. is a uranium mining company. It advances its In-Situ Recovery (ISR) mining uranium projects in the United States and conventional projects in Canada. It offers two production ready ISR hub and spoke platforms in South Texas and Wyoming. These two production platforms are anchored by operational central processing plants and served by seven U.S. ISR uranium projects. Additionally, it has diversified uranium holdings, including uranium portfolios of North American warehoused U3O8; an equity stake in Uranium Royalty Corp., and a Western Hemisphere pipeline of resource stage uranium projects. The Texas Hub and Spoke Project includes Hobson Central Processing Plant (CPP), Burke Hollow, Goliad, Palangana, and Salvo. The Wyoming Asset Hub and Spoke In-Situ Recovery Project includes Christensen Ranch and Irigaray (Willow Creek), Moore Ranch, Ludeman, Allemand-Ross, and others. It also owns Sweetwater Plant, Red Desert Uranium Project and Green Mountain Uranium Project.

NYSEAM:UEC - Post by User

Post by mangoeon Aug 17, 2023 3:07pm
Post# 35593490

17 August Bloomberg Consensus Estimates & Targets🎯

17 August Bloomberg Consensus Estimates & Targets🎯

John Quakes
@quakes99 -

With a #CarbonFree #Nuclear Renaissance boosting #Uranium price & demand just as #U3O8 is in a supply deficit while West pivots away from #Russia 17 August Bloomberg Consensus Estimates & Targets can point U to deeply oversold U #mining #stocks


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