Principal investigator...Every time the price goes down, the same group of peoples start to talk about R.Dumoulin, they forget that for the last 6 years it was Dr.Arkady Mandel who was the CEO, not R.Dumoulin.
At this point in time, except for financing R.Dumoulin is not in charge of the trial, it is the "Principal Investigator" who is in charge of the trial.
Principal Investigators, are not only responsible for producing high-quality, meaningful, scientific research, they are also responsible for maintening public trust.
I challenge any of these peoples, to find a treatment for BCG resistant patients that like Ruvidar(TLD-1433)...
1) Has such a high CR%(and still increasing).
2) Can treat immuno-deficient patients(that is very big for older patients, like the patients TLT is treating).
3) Has so little side effects.
4)Cost less than most fellow competitors.
5) Is easy to produce(unlike BCG).
It is much easier to talk about R.Dumoulin than to find a single treatment that is superior to Ruvidar(TLD-1433).
The FDA will evaluate Ruvidar(TLD-1433) efficacy not R.Dumoulin performance.