711 not in one 711 store, let alone 9500 and I PROVE IT ! Whole post is fake. If taat was in 9500 711 stores, dont you think it would be reflected in taat's revenues ? Its not, and taat has issued no statement they are in 711 and poster cannot provide it,
as it does not exist.
But for humor sakes, lets say taat is in 9500 stores. Taat Mgmt Joe D. just said taat will do
$271,000 in revenues next year. But we will say for this year.
So 9500 stores x $28.53 per year in sales is $271,000 in revenues.
That means each store would earn $28.53 per year or $2.38 per month per store. With these
types of results, 711 would throw taat out within a couple of weeks.
As you can plainly see, this is just a big fib, not based in reality. Poster is making
false statements because he bought higher, lost and tries to manipulate stock price
by posting false statements. I have proven by this example, his statement is false.