Charbone Hydrogen 9,980,004-share private placement
2023-08-24 16:51 ET - Private Placement
The TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect to a non-brokered private placement.
Number of securities: 9,980,004 common shares
Purchase price: 12 cents per common share
Warrants: 9,980,004 share purchase warrants to purchase 9,980,004 shares
Warrants exercise price: 20 cents per share for a period of two years following the closing of the private placement
Number of placees: 25 placees
Finder's fee: $3,264, 27,200 warrants
Finder's warrants terms: Each warrant entitles the holder to purchase one share at an exercise price of 20 cents for a period of two years following the closing of the private placement.
The company has confirmed the closing of the private placement in news releases dated Dec. 15, 2022, Dec. 29, 2022, and Jan. 23, 2023.