Some Say REVO Goos is CookDont be so silly , take many year to get License and make biziness relashion and deal Mr marshall make over many year. A DCE IMO pay min .25 as is if would be laughing how cheep share is. That my opinio - You have your Opinio I get. But if u no like REVo you still Like make money. So why would invest not chance at this price? I keep add gift here.
Now Mr gavin is special in telekom. and REVO make NDA - hope we soon see what he idea to grow REVO.
REVO like Swis Armi Nife of FinTek - right CEO and he add user and it go BIG - BIG revenue.
But under 5 cent I add share ok? Good for long and good for short time my opinio.
10BBuyOUT <<<<<<<<<<<<<< I keep add ok?