Facts on taatTaat has zero liquidity period.
In 6.5 hours of trading, taat only sold 800 shares, or $100.00
Taats poor results, the constant losses, the non availability of having cash,
cannot pay their debtors, but issue shares instead, spending only 34 thousand on
marketing, 24 thousand on investor relations, paying ceo saxon and mgmt 1.1 million
last quarter while losing 3.2 million tells the whole story.
And you can also note that taat has changed auditors 3x in one year, to try and hide
the truth of their horrendous financials.
Investors have woken up and wont touch taat stock.
From $5.85 a couple of years ago to 12.5 cents today, just tells you
investors realize taat is in serious trouble, and they do not want to own this stock.