RE:Scotia Analysts Say - Buy CM Now 53 seems to be bottom in the 53 range is the right time to grab. I have small amounts of shares @58.08 about $7k worth 127 shares is what i have. My family has a bigger chunk i was highly suggesting to buy CM before it hit 60 thinking it would climb further in 2024 but there is a year target at under that all good. But now is definitely the time as $53 has held and the downgrade due to toxic mortgages have been talked about movimg to 2026 which serm there will be negligable gains in earnings if i am understanding and remembering correctly. One of the years forget which will be better as projected than the others but this is why one needs to know what they are doing and why. Longer term just mostly holding there is no rush to buy and just keep averaging at least that is what i would do. If i was looking to flip some shares yes there would be a push to buy as low as you will get the shares $53 seems like bottom so the lowest price in $53. Regardless if one already knows how many shares are kept how many desired to flip what prices to buy and sell at that will remain the key to rake out as much emotions and knee jerk reactions. Stocks go up and down that is just the nature of all this being able to benefit ftom both is always the key and that will take a bit of active managent but not constant need to look and worry about. One can always preset their sells price and time horizons then you just leave and search do dd for others and so forth or whatever one will do after working things through and setting the sell prices at...again just an opinion fron a non qualified person.