Smoke and mirrors Firstly, I do appreciate all the Q&A many of you provided from yesterdays meeting. Especially some of you who spend a whole day in transit... you definitely have my respect!
Now, to the actual Q&A... I truly believe management (especially Suresh) was nothing more than a magician yesterday side stepping questions. He applied that charm many folks have mentioned that he possesses and many ppl seem to have taken what he said at face value.
Lab results still pending... give me a break. Who the hell are the using? Trent University? Fluid analysis on samples are incredibly time sensitive (especially if hoping to capture lighter end elements). I would 100% guarantee Frontera already has the lab results. Porosity, permeability, MICP, etc... again, all these lab tests do not take over 2 months to complete.
Data room not open? Again, when the hell do they plan on opening the bloody thing? Companies are used to dealing with incomplete datasets. Suresh mentions/jokes that he would have liked to see $16MM magically appear to pay back Wei-1 costs. Gee, I don't know, maybe having some companies look at the data room might have given them the ability to push back on Feontera to delay the repayment (cause, you know, competition would have started occurring and CGX might have learnt a bloody thing or two).
Port... still no word on final costs needed to complete or when it will finally become fully operational.
I am glad you folks attended this meeting and provided different accounts of your experiences. From what I can tell, management gave smoke and mirror answers (as probably demended by De Alba et al at Frontera) and the real answers are held with Frontera HQ.