Strength in numbers!117 different presentations of SAFE ACT and still not passed.
This is government churning, creating job security for politicians, rather than dealing with the issues.
So Biden cracked the whip about a year ago for the politicians to get it together and here we are.
How quick cqn these turtles move!
Not quick enough to really give legs to all of the marijuana issues due to the complexity of multiple governments, acts and such that need to get synced up to really back this brave new vice and pharma industry.
It hasn't been long since the powers charged with creating the laws and license to even study the scientific and medical research got a law passed for delivering on this.
Don't discount Pharma use because that has been the toe in door for keeping it from slamming shut on rec use for adults.
I remember a Veterans association trying to get some scientific study happening and it should have been a slam dunk but Schumer voted against it, and he is the pro-pot guy, supposedly.
These guys are using this as a political plum and jmho, but the time to get this moving was a few years ago, not now, at least to garner some votes for whichever party screws up their cajones and backs this in a fair and just way, to at least the standards of alcohol.
Big Alcohol has the most to lose but most have done some studying on it and some, like Canopy and Tilray are moving to cover anticipated marketshare loss from cannabinoid beverages cannibalizing soft alcohol skus.
I have been following both Tilray and Canopy closely, especially with the recent enthusiasm from investors and it jmho that Canopy has released nrs in regards to becoming a US MSO despite what they once said about needing Federal legislation to be changed to pacify their fear of protectionist action from the US players and politicians.
Tilray is diversifying into the soft alcohol industry with all of their recent fortays into beer and light alcohol companies in the US.
The end result should be the same for non US companies gaining unfettered access to the US market and both these companies have lots to bring by way of experience with cannabinoids and alcohol to guide the law and policy makers to make the acceptance happen to be fair with beverage alcohol.
Cannabinoid infused beverages are a no-brainer for health reasons alone with less sugar and calories for the 50% of North Americans who are overweight and pre-diabetic for them to push a different buzz than alcohol.
Cannabinoid infused could also fit the bill for pharma benefits that so many consumers are already using. One more reason to go to the bar and have a beverage that won't give you a hangover and has an on and offset time similar to alcohol which is much more desirable than the old edibles that could take up to 6 hours to get an effect.
The US has an opportunity to study all of the mistakes made from other countries that have legalized pot and to fix all of their own mistakes in rolling out legislation to properly launch this new vice.
We are at a point in time for some serious effort to write proper Federal legislation to get cannabis and hemp launched in proper US business fashion.
Can the US do this and in a timely fashion or is this going to be kept at the kicking the can down the road stage as it has for decades.
Biden, you are in charge! Make it happen and don't forget to incorporate the lobbyists who know what the industry needs to be viable and taxpaying contributors to your success.
glta and dyodd