What’s your definition of our? "Sorry leo, OUR new Wi-Fi7 chip is not out yet. And as for OUR technology, it is younger than legacy single channel which in tech years is 150.years old and totally more inefficient. "
belonging to or associated with the speaker and one or more other people previously mentioned or easily identified.
I own TSLA shares but it's not my or our company by any stretch of the imagination. Not only are you the self proclaimed lone defender of the underdog yfi but you are so attached that you identify as an insider. You really need to speak with Andrew. You would be lost if Engim never sold the patents to this company. It's not your technology. It was developed 20 plus years ago and failed to find a market and was sold. VP of Shiny Things. It still has not found a market after years of trade shows and ever declining placements. These are easily verifiable facts.