RE:More than 90% of Saskatchewan’s heavy oil sites Sad very sad but one way or the other this will change. Right now I will assume that regardless of the pollution the penalties and fines under the carbon cap and trade system are far less in paying and incurring by continuing to go about as they are. Having said this and if what you are stating is the case the Feds need to come more heavy on these businesses and not accept guesstimate but actual numbers. That's one. Secondly with climate change becoming more and more of an issue and seeing all the forests fires smog and other evidence of things systematically getting out of hand I for one will not be surprised that as with how the Bills of Rights prior to it becoming entrenched as the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms there will be a voted on Federal Government legislation which will rightly take care of this very irresponsible act of energy and c02 emissions.
I strongly feel with the threat of climate change the Feds will inevitably enact a legislation that will drastically change how people are going about what they are doing and no province or corporation will have a leg to stand on. This is something that should have already been done. The Fed and provincial powers are divided in accordance to the Charter section 91 Federal powers 92 provincial powers. As long as the provinces follow what is minimally required they are free to deliver services such as education and health as they see fit but when they seek extra funding they have to jump through and negotiate with the Feds.
The point is this despite the division of Fed and Provincial powers and our rights not being absolute and given the grievity of the threat to the environment whatever is determined in the Federal legislation will have a lot of teeth and will bite down. The only party who may try to get in the way of such a legislation will be the Conservatives but a coalition between all other parties enacting a significant bill will more than likely pass. So either the cap and trade will become more strong with teeth and or what is likely coming is a Federal legislation which will effectively remove the type of thing Saskatchewan is doing. Sask like I said to you I don't care about the UCP or conservatives they will not get in the way of what is inevitable and coming.
Now in regards to cti it is still in testing and when the final numbers come out the issue will be exactly what the company is looking to achieve cut co2 by half and cut costs by 40 to 50 percent. Providing this is cheaper than what is being done in Saskatchewan with current methods regardless of what I am saying is likely coming why wouldn't people use it? You are wrongly assuming cti is not cost effective. Sometimes I wonder about your posts and their timing. When the shares seem to gain stability and traction moving more to go up I notice you seem to post things to want the shares to go down. Just saying. Quite honestly the bottom line is simple either this company proves what I already see to be the case and all that I already said or it doesn't. The oil and gas companies regardless will not be able to get away as they have not going to happen anymore there days are heavily numbered and the successful clean tech rightly so will be rewarded as it should be.