Logistics, Subsidies and the taxpayerBesides inflation, supply chain bottlenecks and the adequacy of subsidies, renewable energy projects also run into logistical headwinds.--
Germany's wind power expansion stalls on the roads (msn.com)
But is it not the same for hydro dams and oil pipelines. How many of these have ever come under budget due to unforeseen logistical challenges? Trans Mountain Pipeline, Site C dam (extra work required to address geological issues), Muskrat Falls (generating units must be dismantled). Project cost of all at least double what was first estimated.
Logistics will enter the picture again, when grid lines must be ungraded/or new ones built to accommodate the flood of new renewable energy output. Who will foot the bill for billion dollar transmission lines?
The reasonable charge on the electrical bill doesn't tell the whole story. Taxpayer pay their share also.
Anyway, I think the US will work things out with subsidies, etc. Feed in Tariffis were first introduced in 1978 under President Carter to spur new constructuion of windfarms and solar. The idea still is around today.