Now, let`s get back to a discussion about YFITDMAN29; because you consider yourself an elevated businessman and investor can you answer a question that has been nagging me for some time?.
It has become apparent that others such as yourself continually evaluate the present worth of YFI based on the SP it currently trades at. This is what some refer to as perceived value. Now, as you already are aware, this peception is also based of a number of things which people like yourself factor in for reliability. As you know, these number of things are quite extensive, but each affect ones perception by varying degrees. That`s why in particular cases, and most frequently, they seldom use the current SP as a deciding basis of value for acquisitions or mergers. But, of course you already know that.
My question is to a learned man like yourself is: what things did you include when arriving at the estimated valuation you so often have mentioned?