Ever changing 'Optimists' predictions.....BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA......for 2 years "Optimist" number 3 was was predicting that qmet was going to drill for gold which they didn't do and now they no longer even call themselves gold prospectors.....Fast forward to last Fall and 'Optimist" number 3 said lithium drilling this winter, then Lithium drilling this spring, then litiun drilling this summer.....now his claim is Qmet "COULD" drill this Fall....."COULD".....BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA......I wonder if "optimist" number 3 can tell the board how this BROKE company will be able to pay for this drilling......We all know the over 2 MILLION dollars they already raised between mid Dec./2022 and the end of April /2023 is "MISSING" and they are not only just BROKE, but DEEP in the RED with daily accumulating DEBT, ......BAHAHAHAHAHAHA......I bet he can't answer where the money is coming from....tee hee....I hope he isn't going suggest ANOTHER PP, for insiders to blow on things like all expense paid over seas vacations like they did last Spring....tee hee.....Qmeet to ZERO????.....OH YEAH!!!