Barking Picking UpBarking picking up nicely from the weak and tiny minded...add some insider selling and it looks like the bottom is near if not here and the insiders will be recouping those loses at much better SPs. With legalization of some form soon to be the law of the land in the not to distant future, barring major manipulation, rogue valuation propaganda.
Canopy is coming out everyday almost with a more user freindly platform along with new product and product sizing, applications for consumer sales. The sales and net margins is what Canopy, along with every other company in the sale of a product. The sales going forward will tell the tale with Canopy like everyone else.
The business sense/ knowledge with Canopy, Constellation, et al is second to few if any and the experience of the alcohol business, large scale operation that Constellation brings to the table is priceless, a definite edge going forward, and speaks to the depth of success and positive for the futrue of this industry. But everyone needs to do their DD and buy, sell or hold accordingly and always remember the barking crud are always a tell, in varing degrees. JMHO...Opt
Will Canopy Growth Stock Continue to Surge in September 2023? ( Why Canopy Growth Stock Tanked Today (