Fantasy and truthDoes anyone really still believe in the 100 different stories of Proph?
All his "possibilities" are years, if not decades away from reality. Gilles is not even able to implement the "probabilities".
What is the truth?
The truth is always shown by the stock market price!
That is 38.5c !!!
Ceapro is valued at 30 mill.
Except for the options for Ceapro shares, which the board of directors allocates to itself, nobody, I repeat nobody of the board of directors is interested in "its" company, that it acquires free shares, "at rock bottom prices" on the stock exchange. Why should we, as shareholders, believe more in our company than the Board.
- and don't let proph... again. Gilles has never sold shares".
Proph.. is nothing but a clown.
To stand at this message board after these share price losses and act as if nothing happened, while he has been here talking down to all participants over and over again how great the board and the pipeline is.
The reality and he are a joke!
As Gilles wrote in a news release, one of our most important points is the expansion of "shareholder value".
That was a few months ago. - and now look at what has become of it.
Stories from Proph... Ceapro share price losses
Delays after delays.... and more stories from Proph....
Best of all, don't trust either of them!!!
One is out on behalf of the other to keep as many of us "in line" as possible.