Dudzmot, you must be an ID TEN T!!!!!GLENCORE HAS DONE THEIR DD ON c.TTX and after doing their DD, they decided to give TTX...$5 million!!!
Terms are as follows:
The term sheet includes the following key commercial terms:
- Secured convertible financing facility in three tranches;
- First tranche $2-million (U.S.) upon execution of the marketing offtake agreement (MOA);
- Second tranche $3-million (U.S.) upon Glencore's satisfactory review of the PEA (preliminary economic assessment);
- Third tranche financing of one-third of the total capital expenditure required for the Manono lithium tailings project subject to conditions precedent;
- Commitment fee of 1.5 per cent flat calculated on the total initial prepayment amount, to be deducted from the prepayment on each disbursement;